
When you are just starting out with a new company there are a million things that needs doing – and not enough resources, knowledge or time to do them. iXcelio want to be a part of your journey and to support you in doing smaller, spesific projects or to be a discussion partner with substantial knowledge and experience, and a network that you can utilize to the benefit of your company.

We want to contribute to the success of new companies and we dedicate time every week to support young companies – at a very low cost, or at no cost at all for the startup-company.

If your company needs a discussion partner, or you need someone to discuss your idea with, please get in touch for an informal discussion or a meeting.

We work with several different compensation models for startups – reduced rates, consulting for equity and pure pro-bono projects. Get in touch and we will find a model that suits you and your situation.

Our current and former startup clients include: