Digitization & Innovation


Most companies and industries will be going trough major changes in their business model and industry over the coming years-the question is how and when the changes are going to hit? What technology or solution is the one that is going to be the most successful in my industry in a few years? There is of course no simple answer. The technological development is accelerating, and it is very challenging to keep up with what’s going on and what opportunities new technology offers in your industry.

iXcelio dedicate 20-40% of available time to explore the opportunities that exist, to keep us updated on what’s happening and make sure that we are able to challenge our clients on their industry and business. We believe strongly that innovation and new thinking are happening when you combine deep industry expertise with knowledge of the opportunities that exist.

When you put together “old” knowledge about an industry, with knowledge about the digital and technological opportunities, great, new solutions are created.

We often hear about startups launching innovative and disruptive solutions in mature industries, and so far this has been driven by the startups’ knowledge about what is possible on the digital arena applying this to a new industry, but often with limited knowledge about the industry they are going into. There are no reason why this could not happen the other way around – coming from a deep knowledge of the industry – but established companies may need help to see what’s possible.

iXcelio would like to contribute and be a catalyst in making this happen- to help established businesses to see the innovative solutions for their industry. If this is something your company could benefit from, please contact us for a meeting or just a discussion around the possibilities within your industry going into the future.

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